Peter Field, renowned for his work on advertising effectiveness presented at a Radiocentre Ireland event and shared the latest findings on how advertising works. Peter discussed the six rules of sustainable long term advertising effectiveness:
1. Build Mental Availability
2. Engage Emotionally
3. Get Creative
4. Be Consistent
5. Build (out) Reach
6. Balance Long Term Brand Building and Short-Term Activation.
Peter discussed that you need the right balance of long-term brand building and short-term activation, and this will depend on your business category and the maturity of the brand. He also spoke about how emotional advertising works much harder than rational advertising and the key role that radio can play in this area. He explained that new System1 research has found that radio is as likely to cause long-lasting effects through an emotional response as TV advertising.
Peter also showed how the IPA databank between 2000-2022 shows that radio boosts market share, profit and ROI and the ability of brands to have pricing power.
Please click below to access the presentation. A recording of the presentation will be available next week.