A series of new studies reveals the immense connection and emotional appeal of AM/FM radio personalities and podcast hosts, affording impressive results for advertisers.
The Jacobs Media 2023 Techsurvey involving over 30,000 U.S. listeners found 65% of Gen Z (13–26-year-olds) and Millennials (27-42-year-olds) say personalities are the main reason they listen to AM/FM radio.
The study also showed that AM/FM radio personalities increasingly provide a local feel. In 2018, Jacobs Media reported 43% strongly agreed that “one of AM/FM radio’s primary advantages is its local feel.” 57% now cite “local feel” as one of AM/FM radio’s primary advantages.
A MARU/Matchbox study reveals listeners develop loyal relationships with AM/FM radio personalities based on humour and trust.
The MARU/Matchbox study also found listeners speak to friends and family about things they hear on their favorite personality’s radio show. 30% say they searched for a product or service recommended by a radio personality.
MAGNA Media Trials and Vox Media study revealed that podcast hosts are 5 times more influential than social media stars and 7 times more influential than TV/movie celebrities. The study also found that 79% of weekly podcast listeners agreed podcast content was superior to that of social media.