Kiela Brodigan from Bauer Media Audio Ireland shows how live radio and podcasts can work in harmony

The complimentary nature of live radio and on demand services opens many opportunities for advertisers

Kiela Brodigan from Bauer Media spoke about how podcasts and on demand services are complimentary forces. When used together, they can drive very effective results for advertisers. Consumers can listen to audio anywhere at anytime. And they can be doing pretty much anything when they are listening. Audio is the ultimate companion. Audio and all its components satisfy 6 contemporary needs states – lift the mood, amplify the moment, provide social currency, broaden horizons, keep in the loop, escape. And it is the difference between the mood and the motivation that makes people choose the audio that is right for them at a particular moment in time. For live radio, it is about the human touch, it keeps people company, it connects to the world. For podcasts, the listener is in control. It is about what the listener wants to listen to, when they want to listen, it connects the listener with their world, what they are passionate about.

The complimentary nature of live radio and on demand services opens many opportunities for advertisers. Research from IHeartMedia (exploring The Brand Benefits of Trust and Companionship in Audio – 2022 – April) highlighted that radio and podcast hosts are perceived as some of the most trustworthy and relatable personalities in the media ecosystem. And that gives advertisers an opportunity for their brands to connect with highly engaged consumers. Based on that trust, that emotional connection, 55% of respondents said they listen to advertisements more often on radio and in podcasts than through any other medium.

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uplift in brand trust for exposed v non exposed

There is an enormous opportunity for brands and advertisers to understand the need states that audio satisfies and how they can integrate their brand message into the different needs that audio provides to consumers. And to really leverage the trust that the medium and its personalities have with listeners.

 Key takeaways are:

 •       Radio and podcasts are complementary formats that when combined, deliver incremental reach.

•       Radio and podcast advertising on their own deliver clear benefits to brands but when combined have a multiplier effect that drives better return on investment.

•       Radio and podcast personalities are some of the most trusted hosts in the media ecosystem. It is this trust that powers the connection our audiences and advertising partners seek.


listen to advertisements more often on radio and in podcasts than through any other medium.


found radio and podcast advertisements to be more relevant than on any other medium.


more trusting of radio and podcast advertisers than on any other medium

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