Radio relationships are deeply emotional – priming audiences for powerful and meaningful messages.
Gerard O’Neill from Amárach Research presented key findings from new Radiocentre Ireland research which showed that people have a strong connection with radio. The data showed that the radio relationship with listeners is deeply emotional, priming audiences for powerful and meaningful messages. Over thirds of respondents stated that radio entertains them, over 4 in 10 saying radio makes them laugh, that radio gives them something to look forward to.
Radio outperforms other media in terms of consumer attention. Over 60 % of adults say they pay no attention to commercials on YouTube, while 44% of Facebook users say they pay no attention to commercials on that platform. Only 13% of radio listeners claim that they pay no attention to radio commercials, with 7 out of 10 adults saying that radio is a good way for brands and advertisers to tell them about their products and services. And over half of adults said they often hear about a special offer on the radio that is relevant to them. The research concluded that radio listening is a unique experience that lowers psychological barriers to advertising and sales messages.
Radio is also forging a relationship with the listener that is more trusting, more open. The research looked at how radio can change people’s behaviour with over half of all adults saying radio should be used to persuade switching for health insurance, energy, broadband and mobile phone provider. The research showed that radio can play an impactful role in driving awareness, consideration and switching across a range of sectors.
often hear a special offer on radio relevant to them
pay no attention to YouTube commercials
say radio is a good way for advertisers to tell them about products and services