Sustainability is a hugely significant topic that will define marketing in the years ahead. For consumers, the issue is critically important and they increasingly expect brands to deliver tangible and measaurable commitments to sustainability.
The Green GRP was initiated by an agency in the German market. When planning a campaign, Mediaplus offered its clients the possibility to offset carbon emissions to make their advertising campaigns climate neutral.
The carbon footprint of a campaign was calculated through a unique methodology for each media type. The various aspects of a campaign that produce emissions were identified within production, transmission and device usage. The emissions per medium took into account factors such as the number of placements, the number of viewers/listeners, production-related emissions, electricity consumption data etc. Based on the data, that initiate the offsetting through a climate protection project of the client’s choosing.
The Green GRP does not affect the composition of the media mix. The selection of campaign components is still based on the client’s objectives and focuses on the best possible ROI. The Green GRP model identifies radio as the medium that generates the least amount of CO2 (only 1kg per 10,000 contacts).